The Vision
Only the Best
Happy Community Assistance Center will be a part of every city in the coming years. Our offices will be in contact with everyone who need help and support. The main purpose is to create a better world where everyone will be able to use their creativity and act on their highest excitement to create new and great experiences.
The first location is the Winghouse. The location is perfect for the CAC, because its close to airport, trainstations, busses and lots of parking. Ørestad is a place outside Copenhagen City Center and it has everything you need. Winghouse is a good symbol for creating the new world, because its all about wings to fly without limits.

All About
(Happy) CAC
(Happy) CAC is a part of the Love Won Society International,
Click here to know and experience more of LWSI Portal .
LWSI was created by Ron K. Giles, Salt Lake City. LWSI is an humanitarian organisation, who will help creating heaven on earth also called the Golden Age of Mankind.
Learn something new every day and get excited about something new every day is very important to experience life from the greatest perspective. When we established Happy CAC in 2024, this was the goal we had in mind. Our innovative and creative Community Assistance Center Program inspires and motivates others to challenge themselves and to be open to new experiences. You never know what kind of exciting discoveries that await.
(Happy) CAC will inspire and motivate others to dream big and to be more happy every day. A happy life is essential and the foundation of life. Your state of mind should be happiness and joy, and (Happy) CAC can change your mind, if you are open to new ways of living. You are the most important person in your own life. Always remember this. Self-Love is your highest priority in you daily life. Train your mind to live in the present moment. Reality is here.
Have Fun and Enjoy